California Voter Turnout Data Charts and Tables
Historical California Voter Turnout Data by Race, Ethnicity, and Age
Chart: Eligible Voter Turnout by Race/Ethnicity - 2010-2018 California Primary Elections
Chart: Eligible Voter Turnout by Race/Ethnicity - 2010-2018 California General Elections
Chart: Eligible Voter Turnout for Youth - 2010-2018 California Primary Elections
Chart: Eligible Voter Turnout for Youth - 2010-2018 California General Elections
Chart: Registered Voter Turnout by Race/Ethnicity - 2004-2018 California Primary Elections
Chart: Registered Voter Turnout for Youth - 2004-2018 California Primary Elections
Chart: Percent of the Total California Vote by Race/Ethnicity - 2004-2018 California Primary Elections
Chart: Percent of the Total California Vote by Race/Ethnicity - 2002-2018 California General Elections
Chart: Percent of the Total California Vote for Youth - 2004-2018 California Primary Elections
Chart: Percent of the Total California Vote for Youth - 2002-2018 California General Elections
California’s 2020 Competitive Congressional Districts - Historical Turnout and Eligible Voter Population Data
Table: California Competitive Congressional Districts (CDs) in the 2020 Primary Election by Race/Ethnicity
Table: California Competitive Congressional Districts (CDs) in the 2020 Primary Election for Youth
Eligible Voter Turnout in California Counties: 2010 to 2018 Primary and General Elections